Press Release

WHAT THEY’RE READING: Josh Stein “Outlines Vision” For North Carolina, “Listens To Students’ Concerns,” & Encourages Young People To Get Involved

“Students are an absolutely critical part of North Carolina, a critical part of the election and I want to make sure that young people understand their choices.”  

Recently, Attorney General and candidate for Governor Josh Stein “spoke directly to student journalism publications across the state to share his plans for governorship and to hear the concerns college students may have.” Now, across North Carolina, college students are opening their campus newspapers and reading about Josh Stein’s efforts to “build an inclusive state by prioritizing students and issues that directly affect N.C. schools.”

Stein emphasized that when “voters compare his and Robinson’s competing visions for the state, the difference is ‘stark’” and answered students’ questions on his plans to address “public education, the youth mental health crisis, housing and the cost of living.” He also highlighted his record as Attorney General “making our community safer” and fighting for “fundamental freedoms, whether those are reproductive rights or voting rights.” 

Since announcing his campaign for Governor, Attorney General Stein has prioritized outreach to young voters, including visiting community colleges, colleges, and HBCUs, and launching Students for Stein to help students get involved in the campaign.