Press Release

Robinson Keeps Running Away From His Toxic Plan To Ban Abortion With No Exceptions

Mark Robinson: “Abortion in this country is not about protecting the lives of mothers. It’s about killing the child because you weren’t responsible enough to keep your skirt down”

Mark Robinson’s latest ad is just the latest example of him running away from his extreme and toxic stance on abortion, but make no mistake: If elected, he would ban abortion in North Carolina “for any reason.” This is the same candidate who blames abortion on women not being “responsible enough to keep [their] skirt down.” 

Given that only 9 percent of North Carolinians agree with Robinson’s advocacy for a total abortion ban, it is no surprise to see Robinson continue to mislead voters about his position. However, North Carolinians know the truth: as Robinson himself said, “I have not changed my position. I’ve just changed…what I’m saying.” 

Robinson’s true goal as Governor is clear: a total abortion ban with no exceptions. Just listen to his own words:

He has also previously called abortion “murder,” “genocide,” and “child sacrifice,” as well as comparing it to slavery. In September of 2020, when asked at a “Life Wins” event if there were any circumstances in which Robinson would support abortion, he responded, “I do not believe so.”

Robinson isn’t only consistent about his support for a total abortion ban–he’s also consistent about trying to hide his true beliefs. In the past year, he has deliberately “stopped using what he calls the ‘a-word,” and this past month it was reported that he “removed references to abortion from his website.” 

“Mark Robinson knows North Carolinians can’t stomach his beliefs that abortion should be banned ‘for any reason’ and that women have abortions because they ‘can’t keep their skirts down,’ so he has resorted to running from his record and misleading voters,” said Morgan Hopkins, a spokesperson for the campaign. “If North Carolinians want to know where Mark Robinson really stands on abortion, they should listen to every other comment he’s made on the issue before today.”