Press Release

NCAE President Tamika Walker Kelly: Josh Stein “Best for Education”

“Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson would be the most anti-educator, anti-public school governor our state has seen.”

As students head back to school this month, Cumberland teacher and NCAE President Tamika Walker Kelly is making it clear why she is supporting Attorney General Josh Stein for Governor. In an op-ed published today in the Fayetteville Observer, Walker Kelly highlighted Stein’s work championing public schools in the legislature and as Attorney General, writing: “Josh Stein is the leader I trust when our kids’ futures are in the balance.”

Walker Kelly laid out the stakes of this election–in her words, Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson “would be the most anti-educator, anti-public school governor” in North Carolina history. She cited his support for eliminating science and history from elementary schools and vilifying educators as “wicked people.” 

She gave the following advice to parents and voters: “Listen to which candidate uplifts the great work of our public schools and which candidate speaks negatively of the hard work that teachers do every single day.” 

Read more: 

The Fayetteville Observer: Cumberland teacher, NCAE president: Josh Stein best for education