Press Release

Charlotte Observer Op-Ed on Robinson’s Abortion Ad: “The Most Disingenuous and Ineffective Political Ad of the Cycle” 

This weekend, Issac Bailey with the Charlotte Observer published an op-ed highlighting “the most disingenuous and ineffective political ad of the cycle”: Mark Robinson’s ad aiming to conceal his “cruel and crass” record on abortion. 

Just this year, Mark Robinson has said twice on two different occasions, “I haven’t changed my position, I’ve just changed…what I’m saying.” His position? Supporting a total ban on abortion with no exceptions, saying, “For me, there is no compromise on abortion. It makes no difference to me why or how that child ended up in that womb.” As a result, Bailey writes, “No one should be fooled about what Robinson might do as governor.”

Key Point: “Despite his sudden support of North Carolina’s abortion law, voters don’t know if they’ll get that Mark Robinson or the one who said earlier this year that ‘We’ve got it down to 12 weeks. The next goal is to get it down to six, and then just keep moving from there.’ Another reason the state should not be turned over to a man like him.” 

Read more: 

Charlotte Observer: If Mark Robinson was going for relatable and contrite in his new abortion ad, he missed the mark